The Warrior Precepts 1. A warrior, once a warrior, will always be a warrior. 2. A warrior is the epitome of controlled compassion and controlled violence. 3. A warrior speaks from the pure heart and mind, transcending the ego. 4. A warrior is one of great discipline. 5. A warrior is a man of few words, refraining from speaking without reason. 6. A warrior has not the luxury for excuses. 7. A warrior recognizes the differences between the meaningful and trivial. 8. A warrior can never afford fear, he lives in poverty of fear. 9. A warrior learns how to defend before the attack. 10. A warrior continues to develop the skills of his trade without end. 11. A warrior seeks unity of mind, body, and spirit. 12. A warrior understands the merits of compassion. 13. A warrior pursues a knowledge of all things, regardless of nature. 14. A warrior's profession is war, his product is peace. 15. A warrior integrates the practice of truth within all his day to day activities. 16. A warrior sees the truth within himself, within his adversaries, within the world. 17. A warrior is not separate from all things, but strives to flow as one with all things. 18. A warrior is as water taking the shape of its container. 19. A warrior places the lives of those innocent and weak above himself. 20. A warrior knows pain, sadness, joy, and solitude. 21. A warrior must be awake. The warrior's nature is that of the predator in the wild. As a man he strives to reach above himself, his false perceptions, his adversaries... His highest achievement is not one of victory, but one of absolute truth. Copyright 1997 Shadows